Page 107 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 107

The second clip must be placed immediately against the thimble. Take care that the correct tightening of
                            the clip does not damage the outer wires of the wire rope (figure 2). Tighten the nuts firmly but not yet
                            to the specified torque.

                            Figure 2                                                                                LIFTING SLING FITTINGS

                            The following clips should be placed on the wire rope between the first and second clip in such a way that
                            they are separated by at least 1½ times the clip-width with a maximum of 3 times the clip-width, according
                            to figure 3.

                            Figure 3                                                                                FOR WIRE ROPE

                            Apply light tension on the rope and tighten all nuts evenly, alternating until reaching the specified torque.
                            After assembly and before the rope is taken into service, the nuts must be tightened further to the
                            prescribed torque. After the load has been applied to the assembly for the first time, the torque value must
                            be checked and corrected if necessary. Re-tightening of the nuts must be done at 10.000 cycles (heavy
                            usage), 20.000 cycles (moderate usage) or 50.000 cycles (light usage). If cycles are unknown, a competent
                            person could fix a time period, e.g. every 3 months, 6 months, annually.               3 .1
                            The torque values and the minimum number of clips to be applied for a particular rope size are given in
                            the following tables.

                                diameter     diameter      min. no    length of rope  torque       torque
                                 wire         wire         of clips    to turn back   value        value
                                 rope         rope        required
                                 inch         mm                         mm           Nm           Ft.Lbs
                                   1          3 - 4         2            85           6.1          4.5
                                   3           5            2            95           10.2          7.5
                                   1          6 - 7         2            120          20.3          15
                                   5           8            3            133          40.7          30
                                   3          9 - 10        3            165          61            45
                                   7           11           3            178          88            65
                                   1         12 - 13        3            292          88            65
                                   9         14 - 15        3            305          129           95
                                   5           16           3            305          129           95
                                   3         18 - 20        4            460          176          130
                                   7           22           4            480          305          225
                                  1          24 - 26        5            660          305          225
                                    1        28 - 30        6            860          305          225
                                 1 /8
                                    1        32 - 34        7            1120         488          360
                                 1 /4
                                    3          36           7            1120         488          360
                                 1 /8
                                    1        38 - 40        8           1370          488          360
                                 1 /2
                                    5        41 - 42        8           1470          583          430
                                 1 /8
                                    3        44 - 46        8           1550          800          590
                                 1 /4
                                  2          48 - 52        8           1800          1017         750
                                    1        56 - 58        8           1850          1017         750
                                 2 /4
                                    1        62 - 65        9           2130          1017         750
                                 2 /2
                                    3        68 - 72        10          2540          1017         750
                                 2 /4
                                  3          75 - 78        10          2690          1627         1200
                            Table 1, Green Pin  wire rope clips generally to EN 13411-5 Type B, required number and torque value
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112