Page 113 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 113

Prescon sleeves

                            For wire rope

                            • Material:      special carbon steel
                            • Finish:        up to and including size 16 mm colour coded
                                             sizes above 16 mm self-coloured
                            • Certification:   2.1 CE IIB

                              diameter   length   diameter  diameter  diameter  length    diameter  weight          LIFTING SLING FITTINGS
                               wire               outside    inside    inside             outside    per
                               rope                                                       pressed   100 pcs
                                          a         b         c         d         e
                                mm       mm        mm        mm        mm        mm        mm        kg
                                6        25.4      16.7      8.3       11.9      7.1       12.7      2.15
                                8        38.1       23       11.1      15.5      11.1      18.5      6.50
                                10       38.1       23       11.9      16.7      11.1      18.5      5.50
                                11        51        31       14.3      21.4      15.1      24.9      11.3
                                13        51        31       15.9       23       15.1      24.9      12.5
                                14        70        37       17.5      26.2      17.9      30.5      19.5
                                16        70        37       19.1      27.8      17.9      30.5      25.9
                                19        81       43.6      23.4      32.5      21.8      35.8      39.9
                                22        90       51.6      26.2      38.9      25.4      41.4      62
                                25       102        58       29.4      43.7      28.6      47.8      85
                                28       122        64       32.5      49.2      31.8      53        118            FOR WIRE ROPE
                                32       132        71       36.5       55       35.7      58        154
                              34 - 35    148        76       39.7       60       39.7      62        195
                              37 - 38    159        83       42.9      66.7      42.9      67        227
                              44 - 45    184       102       49.2       79       50        77        367
                              50 - 52    216        111       57        92        57       89        510
                              56 - 57    243       128        64       102       64        103       862
                              62 - 64    267       140        70       114        71       113       1043
                              68 - 70    292       146        76       121       79        118       1270
                              75 - 76    305       152        83       127       86        124       1334          3 .1
                              87 - 89    356       178        98       148       100       145       2105
                              93 - 95    381       191       103       160       108       156       2495
                              100 - 102  406       206       111       173       114       180       3130
                              112 - 114  457       232       124       194       129       187      4536

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