Page 116 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 116

      FOR WIRE ROPE             SOCKETS


                                            Sockets are used as a connection to attach steel wire
                                           rope to a fixed point. This may be an anchoring system
                                          for tubes or pipes, anchor wires for dredging materials,

                                         anchor cables for oil platforms, fastening points for towing
                                       cables or for fastening cables in constructions such as
                                      bridges, roofs etc. Sockets are designed for in-line use only.

                                Sockets are the strongest steel wire rope end fittings available.

                                If they are assembled in the proper way they meet or exceed the
                                breaking strength of the steel wire rope.


                                Green Pin  open- and closed spelter sockets and Green Pin  open wedge sockets are made from cast high
                                tensile steel.
   3 .1
                                These sockets are generally marked with:
                                •  manufacturer’s symbol                -  e.g. GP
                                •  wire rope diameter in mm and inches   -  e.g. 20-22 and  /8”
                                •  traceability code                    -  e.g. A01
                                •  socket number                        -  e.g. 104
                                Swage sockets are drop forged from special bar quality carbon steel C-1035 and spheroidized annealed
                                to make them suitable for cold swaging.

                                Socket Lock Socketing Resin

                                To offer a complete assortment, Green Pin ’s parent company, Royal Van Beest, is the distributor of Socket
                                Lock Socketing Resin. Socket Lock Socketing Resin is designed for speltering wire rope. Socket Lock is
                                developed with a unique formula that uses polyester fibres to thicken the resin and provide a homogenous
                                (consistent) resin cone throughout. Unlike traditional products, which use large grain silica to thicken
                                the resin, the fibres of the innovative Socket Lock Socketing Resin will suspend within the mixed resin
                                and provide a consistent resin cone from top to bottom. The consistency of the resin cone prevents the
                                formation of surface cracking once the resin is hardened. The formula is developed to ensure the resin
                                flows easily and can optimally penetrate the bottom of the socket. This will result in an excellent resin cone,
                                providing the end user with a high-quality socket termination. Socket Lock Socketing Resin kits are now
                                available from stock at Green Pin  and can be ordered in kit sizes of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 cc.
                                Additionally, Green Pin  also has the Socket Lock Socketing Booster Pack available. The booster packs
                                are used for cold temperature socketing and are required when ambient temperatures are below +16 °C
                                (+60 °F). For instructions for use, please consult the Green Pin  website:

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