Page 131 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 131

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                            Green Pin  EE Swivel                                                 product
                            Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting

                            • Material:      high tensile steel, quenched and tempered
                            • Safety factor:   MBL equals 5 x WLL
                            • Standard:      US Federal Spec. RR-C-271, Type VII, Class 2
                            • Finish:        hot dipped galvanized
                            • Certification:   2.1 2.2 CE IIA

                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes                                     LIFTING SLING FITTINGS
                            • Note:          for WLL 8.2 t and 20.5 t swivels both eye parts are equipped with a nut
                              working  diameter  length  width    length   width   length   length   weight
                               load             outside  outside  inside   inside  inside            each
             G-7713                      a       b        c        d        e        f       g
                                t       mm       mm      mm       mm       mm       mm       mm       kg
                               0.4       6       87       32       18      19       27       75      0.10
                               0.6       8       107      41       21      25       32       91      0.18
                               1.12     10       131      51       24      32       38       111     0.30
                               1.63     13       164      64       33      38       51       138     0.60
                               2.4      16       198      76       40      45       61       166      1
                               3.3      19       221      89       45      51       67       183     1.79
                               4.54     22       257     102       53      57       78       213     2.55
                               5.7      25       298      114      59      64       86       248     4.06
                               8.2      32       357     143       68      80       68       293     8.48           FOR WIRE ROPE
                               20.5     38       541     198      110      122      110      465     25.7


                                                                                                                   3 .1

                            Green Pin  JE Swivel CP
                            Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin

                            • Material:      high tensile steel, quenched and tempered
                            • Safety factor:   MBL equals 5 x WLL
                            • Standard:      US Federal Spec. RR-C-271, Type VII, Class 3
                            • Finish:        hot dipped galvanized
                            • Certification:   2.1 2.2 CE IIA

                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
                             working  diameter  length  width  length  width  length  length  width  diameter  weight
                              load                 outside  inside  inside  inside     inside  pin    each
                                      a      b       c      d      e      f      g       h       i
             G-7723            t     mm      mm     mm     mm     mm      mm     mm     mm     mm      kg
                              0.4     6      88     32     18      19     22     67     12      6     0.09
                              0.6     8      99     41     21      25     23     75     13      8     0.16
                              1.12    10     122    51     24      32     27     92     16     10     0.32
                              1.63    13     154    64     33      38     33     115    21      13    0.57
                              2.4     16     184    76     40      45     38     135    26     16     0.98
                              3.3     19     211    89     45      51     45     154    31     19     1.88
                              4.54    22     244    102    53      57     52     178    31     23     2.43
                              5.7     25     297    114    59      64     72     218    47     29     4.02
                              8.2     32     335    143    68      80     72     240    57     35     7.43
                              20.5    38     534    198    110    122     116    381    78      51    22.1


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