Page 157 - Green Pin Product Catalog
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                            Green Pin  Sling Hook E EN 1677-2 GR8                                product
                            Grade 8 eye sling hook EN 1677-2

                            • Material:      alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered
                            • Safety factor:   MBL equals 4 x WLL
                            • Standard:      EN1677-2 and ASTM A952/A952M
                            • Finish:        painted white
                            • Temperature range:  -40 °C up to +200 °C
                            • Certification:   2.1 2.2 3.1     MTC  a    MPI  b *  DGUV     CE IIB                  LIFTING SLING FITTINGS

                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
                            • Note:          from 8.2 t without flat part
                            for chain working   length  width   thickness  width  diameter   width   length   width  thickness  weight
              CSO           diameter  load    inside eye  opening        eye   outside  outside        each
                                    limit                              outside
                                           a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h      i     j
                b             mm     t    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm     mm    mm    mm    mm    kg
                     i        5/6   1.12  86    23    26     15    19    43    72    114   10    6     0.28
                              7/8   2     103   26    30    20     24    51    87    139   12    8     0.56
                              10    3.2   129   36    33    24     28    65   106    171   15    10    1.09
                     a h
                 c            13    5.4   152   41    37    32     39    77   133   209    18    12    1.98
                              16    8.2   191   52    43    40     43    94   165    255   21    17    3.55
                             18/20  12.8  237   61    61    49     61   115   208   326    28    21    7.10
                              22    15.5  280   72    75    54     64   132   242    375   30    23    9.90
                g            26**   21.6  251   48    73    55     86    111  236   363    32    32    13.3
                             32**  32.8   292   58    87    67    104   139   286   435    39    39    21.6         FOR GRADE 8 CHAIN
                            * Excluding sizes 26 mm and 32 mm                                     CAD INFO

                            ** Different design

                            Green Pin  Sling Hook CL EN 1677-2 GR8                                                 3 .2
                            Grade 8 clevis sling hook EN 1677-2

                            • Material:      alloy steel, grade 8, quenched and tempered
                            • Safety factor:   MBL equals 4 x WLL
                            • Standard:      EN1677-2 and ASTM A952/A952M
                            • Finish:        painted white*
                            • Temperature range:  -40 °C up to +200 °C
                            • Certification:   2.1 2.2 3.1 MTC  a    MPI  b   DGUV CE IIB

                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
                            • Note:          specific load pins available for 5, 7 and 9 mm hoist chain on request,
                                             which can be combined with respectively GPCSC6, GPCSC7/8, GPCSC10
              CSC            for chain   working   length  width  width   thickness  width  width   width   length   diameter   weight
                             diameter  load            opening             outside  outside  outside  pin  each
                b                           a     b      c      d     e      f      g     h      i
                     i        mm     t     mm     mm    mm     mm     mm    mm     mm    mm     mm     kg
                               6    1.12   74     7      26    15     20    28     72    108     8    0.29
                              7/8    2     95     9      30    20     24     32    87    136     9    0.58
                     a  h
                 c            10     3.2   113    12     33    24     29    42     106   164    13    1.08
                              13     5.4   139    15     37    32     39    54     133   208    16    2.12
                     e        16     8.2   162    19     44    40     44    68     165   240    20    3.67
                d            18/20  12.8   199    23     61    49     62    82     208   305    24    7.32
                              22    15.5   239    25     75    54     65     97    242   350    28    10.7
                                                                                                  CAD INFO

                            *   could be delivered with a yellow or red finish

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