Page 17 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 17

                            Certificate types 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, MTC a, DNV 2.7-1 a, DNV 2.7-1 b, DNV 0377, DNV 0378, DNV NS 9415,
                            DGUV, ABS PDA, ABS MA and CE can be supplied at no extra charge. For all other certificates, additional
                            costs will be charged.
                            Free of charge:                                                                         INTRODUCTION

                            2.1 2.2 3.1 MTC  a    DNV 2.7-1  DNV 2.7-1  b    DNV 0377 DNV 0378 DNV NS 9415 DGUV CE IIA CE IIB ABS PDA ABS MA

                            With additional charges:
                            MTC  b   LROS MPI  a    MPI  b    US  a   US  b     DNV CG3 BL

                            On request the proof load test certificates can be supplied surveyed by an official classification society, such as
                            LROS, DNV, BV, ABS or any other officially certified inspection body. Specific details of certificate availability can
                            be found in each product chapter. Please verify your certification requirements at the time of order. For more
                            information and specifications, see the table below for an overview of the different test methods.
                               Test       Test                         Test
                              method     type                        description                   Document
                             Visual    Non       The products are inspected and approved by our QC-department.  2.1
                             inspection  Destructive  The products are inspected and approved by our QC-department,    2.2
                                                 stating the results of non-specific inspection.
                             Material    Destructive  The material of the products is inspected. This includes chemical   3.1
                             specific            composition and mechanical properties at component level.
                             Proof    Non        Samples of a production batch of products are proof load tested.   MTC a
                             Load     Destructive  Products are not individually tested.
                             test                All products of a production batch are individually proof load tested.  MTC   b
                             Magnetic    Non     Samples of a production batch of products are Magnetic Particle   MPI a
                             Particle    Destructive  Inspection (M.P.I.) tested in accordance with EN 10228-1.
                             inspection          Products are not individually tested.
                                                 All products of a production batch are individually Magnetic Particle   MPI b
                                                 Inspection (M.P.I.) tested in accordance with EN 10228-1.
                             Ultrasonic   Non    Samples of a production batch of products are Ultrasonic Inspection   US a
                             inspection  Destructive  (U.S.) tested in accordance with EN 10228-3.
                                                 Products are not individually tested.
                                                 All products of a production batch are individually Ultrasonic Inspection   US b
                                                 (U.S.) tested in accordance with EN 10228-3.
                             Break    Destructive  Samples of a production batch are break load tested.  BL

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