Page 20 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 20

INTRODUCTION              Handling of the load
                                •  It is important to check the sling before lifting. Check if the manufacturer of the load indicates any
                                  specific instructions for the lifting of the load. Before starting the lift, make sure that the load is free to
                                  move and is not bolted down. Also check if no loose objects could fall down from the load. The path
                                  between the current location of the load and the new one must be free.
                                •  The weight of the load must be known in order to select a sling with the correct WLL. If the weight
                                  of the load is not marked, the information should be obtained from the consignment notes, manuals
                                  or drawings, or assessed by calculation.
                                •  Please observe the centre of gravity of the load. To prevent any tilting or toppling, the following
                                  -  for single leg slings and endless slings the lifting point should be positioned directly above the centre
                                    of gravity.
                                  -  for two leg slings the lifting points should be positioned on both sides of, and higher than, the centre
                                     conditions should be met:
                                    of gravity.
                                   -  for three and four leg slings the lifting points should be distributed in a plane around the centre
                                    of gravity. Distribute the weight evenly over the lifting points, which should be placed higher than
                                    the centre of gravity.
                                •  When using multi leg slings make sure that the angles between the lifting points and sling legs are within
                                  the range marked on the sling. The angle ß, which is the angle between the sling leg and the vertical,
                                  should never exceed 60°. Details about load reductions for slings at certain angles can be found in
                                  the tables corresponding to the relevant chain grade.
                                •  Use the below reduction table if a multi leg sling is not used for the purpose for which it has been
                                  designed, for example for a lifting operation with fewer legs than the number of legs of the sling:

                                         Types of chain sling     Number of legs used   Factor to apply to marked WLL
                                             Two-leg                    1                        1/2
                                         Three- and four-leg            2                        2/3
                                         Three- and four-leg            1                        1/3

                                •  The sling should at least have a WLL equal to or greater than the weight to be lifted.
                                •  Ensure that the load to be moved is able to resist both the vertical and horizontal force without
                                  being damaged.
                                •  A suspended load should not be left unattended.
                                •  Riggers should be aware of the risks and dangers of shock loading which may lead to failure of the sling.
                                  The load should always be lifted and lowered slowly.

                                Method of connection
                                •  A sling is usually attached to the load with endfittings such as hooks and/or links.
                                •  The components should be used for in-line loading only in order to avoid bending.
                                •  The lifting points fixed on the load should be seated well in the load bearing part of the hook
                                  (never on the tip of the hook or wedged in the opening of the hook).
                                •  We refer to the detailed warnings of each component in the product chapters.
                                Symmetry of loading
                                The WLL values mentioned in our catalogue for each grade have been determined on the basis that the
                                loading of the sling is symmetrical. This means that when the load is lifted the sling legs are symmetrically
                                distributed in the plane and all legs of the sling have the same angles to the vertical.
                                For chain slings refer to EN 818-6:2000+A1:2008 for more details.
                                The loading can be assumed to be symmetric if all of the following conditions are met:
                                •  the load is less than 80% of marked WLL and
                                •  sling leg angles to the vertical are all more than 15° and
                                •  sling leg angles to the vertical are all within 15° to each other and
                                •  in the case of three- and four- leg slings, the plane angles are within 15° of each other.

                                If one of the above parameters is not met, the loading should be considered to be asymmetric and the lift
                                should be referred to a competent engineer to establish the safe rating for the sling. Alternatively, in the case
                                of asymmetric loading, the sling should be derated to half the marked WLL. If the load tends to tilt during the
                                lift, it should be lowered and the attachments changed by repositioning the attachment points or by using
                                compatible shortening devices. The safety factor on the individual components is designed for safety only.
                                Never exceed the indicated WLL.
                                Safety of lift
                                Hands and other body parts should be kept away from the chain to prevent injuries. The load should be
                                lifted slowly until the sling leg is taut. As soon as the load is slightly raised, check that it is secure and has
                                the desired position. Refer to ISO 12480-1 for planning and management of the lifting operation and for
                                a safe way of executing it. Never move the load over people during the lift.

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