Page 33 - Green Pin Product Catalog
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                            Green Pin  Bow Shackle BN                                            product
                            Standard bow shackle with safety bolt

                            • Material:      bow and pin high tensile steel, grade 6, quenched and tempered         SHACKLES
                            • Safety Factor:   MBL equals 6 x WLL
                            • Standard:      ISO 2415, EN 13889 and meets performance requirements of
                                             US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVA Class 3, grade A, from 2 t and
                                             upward these shackles comply with ASME B30.26
                            • Finish:        hot dipped galvanized
                            • Temperature Range:  -40 °C up to +200 °C
                            • Certification:   2.1 2.2 3.1 MTC  a    DNV 2.7-1  a *     DNV 2.7-1  b *  DNV 0378 CE IIA ABS PDA ABS MA

                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
             G-4163         working diameter diameter diameter  width  width  length  width  length  length  width  thickness  weight
                              load  bow   pin   eye   eye   inside  inside  bow      bolt        nut   each
                                     a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h      i     j     k
                               t    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm     mm    mm    mm    mm    kg
                              0.5   7      8    16     7     12    29    20    48    42    34    4     0.06
                             0.75   9     10    20     9    13.5   32    22    56    50    40     5    0.11
                              1     10    11    23    10     17    37    26    64    60    46    8     0.16
                              1.5   11    13    25     11    19    43    29    73    67    51    11    0.22
                              2     13.5  16    34    13    22     51    32    90    80    59    13    0.42
                             3.25   16    19    40    16     27    64    43   110    98    75    17    0.74         1
                             4.75   19    22    46    19     31    76    51   129    115   89    19    1.18
                              6.5   22    25    52    22    36     83    58   144    130   102   22    1.77
                              8.5   25    28    59    25    43     95    68   164    150   118   25    2.58
                              9.5   28    32    67    28    47    108    75   186    166   131   27    3.66
                              12    32    35    73    32     51   115    83   201    184   147   30    4.91
                             13.5   35    38    79    35     57   133    92   227    197   162   33    6.54
                              17    38    42    88    38    60    146    99   249   202    175   19    8.19
                              25    45    50    104   45    74    178   126   300   243    216   23    14
                              35    50    57    112   50    83    197   138   332   269    238   26    18.8
                             42.5   57    65    132   57    95    222   160   378    301   274   29    28.3
                              55    65    70    145   65    105   260   180   433   329    310   32    39.6
                              85    75    83    167   75    127   330   190   530    381   340   39    62

                                                                                              CAD RFID INFO

                            *   For shackles ≥ WLL 2 t

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