Page 38 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 38

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                                Green Pin  Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN
      SHACKLES                  High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt
                                • Material:
                                                 bow and pin alloy steel, grade 8 quenched and tempered
                                • Safety Factor:
                                                 MBL equals 5 x WLL
                                                 ASME B30.26
                                • Standard:
                                                 shackle bow painted silver, pin painted green
                                • Finish:
                                • Temperature range:  -40 °C up to +200 °C ≤ WLL 600 t
                                • Certification:   2.1 2.2 3.1 MTC  a     CE IIA Optional : MTC  b *  LROS     MPI  a    US  a

                                • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
                                 working diameter diameter diameter  width  width  length  width  length  length  width  thickness weight  weight
                                  load  bow   pin  eye   eye  inside  inside  bow    bolt       nut   pin  each
                 P-6036           limit
                                        a     b     c    d     e     f    g     h     i     j    k
                                   t    mm   mm    mm    mm   mm    mm    mm   mm    mm    mm   mm    kg    kg
                                  120   95    95   204   95   147   400   238  644   453   428   50   28.1  114
                                  150   105  108   235   105  169   410   275  686   496   485   50   39.2  155
                                  200   120  130   270   120  179   513  290   833   564   530   71   69.2  235
                                  250   130  140   284   130  205   554   305  896   614   565   71   85.5  295
                                  300   140  150   308   140  205   618   305  987   644   585   81   102   366
                                  400   170  175   376   164  231   669   325  1115  698   665   70   151   620
   1                              500  200   185   398   164  256   719   350  1244  728   710   70   228   720
                                  700   210  215   454  204   308   718  400   1263  870   820   70   265  1075
                                  800   210  220   464  204   308   718  400   1270  870   820   70   276  1100
                                  900   220  230   485   215  328   718  420   1296  920  860    70   319  1250
                                 1000  240   240   515   215  349   718  420   1336  940  900    70   351  1460
                                  1250  260  270   585   230  369   768  450   1456  1025  970   70   481  1940
                                 1500  280   290   625   230  369   818  450   1556  1025  1010  70   556  2305
                                                                                                       CAD RFID

                                *   Standard certification for shackles ≥ WLL 400 t
                                **  For shackles ≥ WLL 120 t and ≤ WLL 600 t available with or without LROS.
                                   For shackles ≥ WLL 700 t available with LROS
                                *** With additional charges

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