Page 73 - Green Pin Product Catalog
P. 73

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                            Green Pin  Spring Release ROV Shackle                                product
                            Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring

                            • Material:      bow and pin alloy steel, grade 8, polar quality, quenched and
                            • Safety factor:   MBL equals 5 x WLL
                            • Finish:        body painted white, pin painted green
                            • Temperature Range:  -40 °C up to +200 °C
                            • Certification:   2.1 2.2 3.1 MTC  a    MTC  b *     LROS     *  CE IIA                ROV SHACKLES & HOOKS

                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
                            • Note:          for in-line use only.
                                             this shackle is assembled with wire rope slings and monkey’s fist. For size starting
                                             from WLL 42.5 t up to and including 150 t a special compression tool (sold separately)
                                             is required to assemble the shackle.
                            working diameter diameter diameter  width  width  length  width  length  length  width  weight  weight
                              load  bow   pin   eye   eye   inside  inside  bow      bolt        pin   each
                                     a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h      i     j
                               t    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm    mm     mm    mm    mm    kg    kg
                              12    32    35    72    32     51   115    83   201    291   147    2    5.24
                             13.5   35    38    80    35     57   133    92   227    301   162   2.4    7
                              17    38    42    88    38    60    146    99   249   360    175   3.5   9.25
                              25    45    50    103   45     74   178   126   300   370    216   5.2   15.5
                              35    50    57    116   50    83    197   138   334   400    238   7.1   20.4
                             42.5   57    65    130   57    95    222   160   377   460    274   11.3  39
                              55    65    70    145   65    105   260   180   433   490    310   13.8  42           2
                              85    75    83    162   75    127   329   190   527    587   340   23.3  67
                              120   95    95    208   91    147   399   238   646   687    428   37.4  123
                              150   105   108   238   102   169   410   275   688    727   485   49.2  168
                            * For shackles ≥ WLL 150 t                                        CAD RFID INFO

                            Green Pin  Compression Tool
                            Tool to wind up spring release shackle (sizes WLL 42.5 t and up)

                            • Material:      mild steel
                            • Finish:        black painted
                            • Certification:   2.1
                            • Article code:   scan QR code to see article codes
                            • Note:          required for ROV spring release shackle (type P-5367),
                                             for sizes WLL 42.5 t and up

                               for    diameter  diameter  width   length  length   height   width    weight
             P-5368           shackle   bow      pin              closed  opened                     each
                               WLL                               position  position
                                                          a        b        c        d        e
                                t       mm       mm      mm       mm       mm       mm       mm       kg
                               42.5     57       65
                               55       65       70      300      1000     1500     225      24       34
                b + c
                               85       75       83
                    d          120      95       95
             e                                           340      1100     1750     285      24       42
                               150      105      108
                                                                                                  CAD INFO

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